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Unit.travel Terms & Conditions for Customers

This Terms & Conditions (the “T&C”) explains and governs your (“Customer”, or “you”) access to and use any of the services and Content provided and located on our websites at turneo.unit.travel and any other domains or subdomains, provided by Unit.travel  (the “Website”) or if you use any other services (the “Services”) that ALLADYN TRAVEL TECHNOLOGIES OÜ, reg.number 16387001, registered under the law of Estonian Republic, Company Address: Narva mnt 7a - 616, B corp, 6 floor, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 15172 (“Unit.travel”, “we” or “us”) provides to you. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Website, Reservation System and Services and all Collective Content.

All additional information placed on the Website is an integral part of this T&C.

Please read them carefully, before proceeding with our Website and Services.


By clicking on the “I agree with terms & conditions” box, you accept that you are entering into the legal agreement on the terms and conditions below, and that this agreement is valid and legally binding. If there is any part of this document that you do not fully understand, or if you have a query, please contact Unit.travel before accepting it. If you do not accept these Terms, then please do not use our Service or book a Products or Services.


Unit.travel reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Terms & Conditions at any time notifying by email about it 30 days before the entry into force of the new changes.


WHEREAS, Unit.travel Service may provide Сustomer and other persons help to find information about travel Products or Services and to assist Customer in booking those Products and Services;

WHEREAS, The display of Products and Services through our Website and/or Reservation System is not a recommendation of such Products and Services by our Suppliers and/or Partners;

WHEREAS, The Customer represents and warrants that they are thoroughly acquainted with the services and software offered by Unit.travel;

WHEREAS, Unit.travel is not a travel or tour operator and does not render any travel or tour operator services. Unit.travel is not providing any other services rather than a reservation system software and information society service;

WHEREAS, Unit.travel does not provide Products and Services to Customers and is not liable to them for the quality of the Products and Services. A contract for the Products and Services is always made between the Customer and the Supplier. Unit.travel’s obligations to Customer hereunder are limited exclusively to the provision of access to the Reservation System and ensuring of Customer’s capabilities to make Bookings and pay for them in the Reservation System;




These Terms & Conditions are by and between ALLADYN TRAVEL TECHNOLOGIES OÜ, hereinafter referred to as " Unit.travel " and the other party "The Customer".

Both parties agree the following:

1.1. Using the Website and Unit.travel Service

a) The Customer represents by creating a user account at the Website that all the information and representations provided by it are correct: it is a private person with full legal capacity (at least 18 years of age) or a legal entity that duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of its country of incorporation. The legal entity is not currently undergoing bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, and no such proceedings are planned or anticipated within the minimum period of six months from the date of this agreement. The aforementioned representations are presumed to be accurate and Unit.travel is not obliged to verify these.
b) Customer is obliged to ensure that the Website and Unit.travel Service is in accordance with its needs.
c) Unit.travel Service may only be used to the extent and purposes for which the Unit.travel Service is created for and for which similar services are usually used for. Customer is obliged to use Unit.travel Service in accordance with the present T&C.
d) Customer is obliged to immediately notify Unit.travel of abuse of its account, the loss of its password or it's falling into possession of third parties. In the aforementioned case, Unit.travel shall do anything reasonably expected in order to renew the password, limit the access to the account or delete the account.

1.2. Unit.travel makes the Suppliers Products and Services available to Customer for purchase on the terms set out in this T&C.

1.3. Unit.travel provides an information society service through Website that enables mediation of the requests for Products and Services between the Customer and Supplier and Unit.travel does not provide Products and Services. Products and Services are provided by the Supplier under a contract (with you). Suppliers provide their Products and Services on an independent basis (either in person or via a company) as economic and professional service providers. Unit.travel is not responsible in any way for the fulfilment of the contract entered into between the Customer (you) and the Supplier. Disputes arising from consumer rights, legal obligations or from law applicable to the provision of transport services will be resolved between the Customer and Supplier. Data regarding the Supplier and their Products and Services is available in the Website and receipts for Products and Services are sent to the email address listed in Customer’s Personal account.

1.4. The Customer enters into a contractual relationship with the Supplier for the provision of Products and Services via the Website. To make a Booking, you may need to create an Account. Please make sure all your info (including payment and contact details) is correct and up to date, or you might find you can’t access the Supplier’s Products or Services. You’re responsible for anything that happens with your Account, so please don’t let anyone else use it, and please keep your username and password secret.

1.5. Customer’s Personal Account. After registration in the Website the Customer receives its Personal Account that it can access with Customer’s login (email or phone number) and password. Customer is liable for maintaining the confidentiality of logins and passwords of its Personal Account and shall immediately notify Unit.travel of any suspected unauthorized access to its Personal Account. Any action or inaction performed by any person in Customer’s Personal Account through Customer’s login details are deemed committed by Customer and are to be paid if applicable.
The Customer’s Account will be closed and deleted, if the Customer doesn’t use it or Unit.travel Service, Reservation System and/or Website for 2 (two) years.

1.6. The Customer should use Website and Unit.travel Service or any other Service hereto in a Good Faith.

1.7. Our Partner may use own brand and marketing tools to attract the Customer to visit the Website. If the Content on the Website is provided by our Partner, except Supplier Products and Services, the Partner bears a personal liability of the accuracy of the Content.




In these Terms & Conditions the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:

Agreement” or “T&C” means the present Unit.travel Terms & Conditions, signed between Unit.travel and the Customer.

Booking” means both requested and confirmed Booking or reservation for Products or Services made by the Customer.

Booking Request” means the request by the Customer to Unit.travel for a Booking or reservation of Products or Services of Supplier.

Booking Confirmation” means Unit.travel’s confirmation of the Customer’s Booking Request.

"Reservation Process" means booking procedures available via the Reservation System which the Customer must follow in order to make Bookings.

Good Faith” means the honest and sincere intention or belief in one's actions or dealings. Acting in good faith means acting honestly, fairly, and without any intent to deceive, defraud, or harm another party. It involves a genuine effort to fulfill one's obligations, uphold the terms of an agreement, and conduct oneself in an ethical and trustworthy manner.

Products or Services” means any transportation product and/or service, accommodation (at the hotels, villas, apartments etc.) product and/or service, sightseeing, transfers, transportation service, car hire, rail tickets and theater tickets, and/or other relevant ancillary products or services offered for sale/to book via the Reservation System by Supplier.

Accommodation Services” means the provision of sheltered overnight accommodation for a fee in appropriately equipped rooms, including at least a bed, offered as a main service to tourists (hotels, villas, apartments, etc.) by Supplier. The provision of overnight sheltered accommodation may include the provision of food services, fitness activities, entertainment and other.

Transfer services” means transport of one or more passengers from pick-up to drop-off addresses/points by Supplier. Transfer can be: (a) private, when vehicle(s) and driver(s) are exclusively reserved for one transfer booking only and will at least stop at the confirmed pick-up and drop-off locations; or (b) shared, when one or more seats in a vehicle with driver are booked and the vehicle will stop at least at all the meeting points and destinations that are confirmed to the passengers in the same vehicle.

Transportation Service” means a part of Products or Services that provides or assists in obtaining various types of transportation for traveling needs. Transportation Services include but are not limited to: flight, ferry, railway, bus, car rental and transfer services.

our Partner” refers to any affiliated, co-branded or linked website through which Unit.travel provides content or Supplier’s Products or Services (legal entity name: FOP Bondik N.A, company registration number: 2894402347, country of registration: Ukraine)

Access Code” means an email address and password used to access the Unit.travel Reservation System and Service.

FIT” means Fully Independent Travel products or services sold by Supplier to the Customer.

Prices” means the prices offered for the sale of Products or Services by Supplier to the Customer and displayed to the Customer on the Website or Reservation System.

our Service” or “Unit.travel Service” means information society service described in clause 1.3. of this T&C; software and hardware package of Unit.travel (incl.but not limited Websites, apps, online tools and etc), which is an online booking facilitator or Reservation System.

Special Booking Terms” means any special conditions, booking remarks, terms or information about the products or services as notified to the Customer either during the Reservation Process or otherwise by Supplier or Unit.travel.

Cancellation Policy” means special rules, set out by the Supplier, that apply to the Customer in case of cancellation of a corresponding Booking. Cancellation policies apply for each Booking and may be different for each product or product type, service or service type, supplier, dates of travel etc.

Free Cancellation Deadline” means the date by which the Booking may be canceled without being liable to pay a Cancellation Penalty. The Free Cancellation Deadline is specified in Cancellation Policy.

Cancellation Penalty” means a penalty indicated in Cancellation Policy and payable by the Partner or Customer upon cancellation of a corresponding Booking. Such penalty is intended to cover losses incurred by Supplier as a result of Booking cancellation.

Customer” means you, the end user or person using Products or Services of the Supplier. “Payer” – any individual or entity, whether possessing legal personality or not, who uses the Website and/or Reservation System to make payments either for their own benefit or on behalf of third parties.

Voucher” is defined in section 9 of these Terms & Conditions.

Website” means pages or a related group of pages which are linked together using the hypertext transfer protocol (“http”, “https”) located at https://turneo.unit.travel and any other domains or subdomains, “white label” websites provided by Unit.travel

Supplier” means anyone who provides Products or Services to the Customer through Website.

GROSS price” ” means the full amount payable for Product and Service including all applicable taxes and additional charges, commissions and fees, if it is not stated otherwise on the Website.

Service-start” means the date and time when the execution of Product or Service is started: in case of accommodation services, it means check-in date; in case of transfer and car-rental services it means pick-up date and time, in case of flight, train, bus, tours or similar it is departure date and time; in case of events, it means start of event date and time; etc.

Service-end” means the date and time when the execution of Product or Service is completed: in case of accommodation services, it means check-out date; in case of transfer and car-rental services it means drop-off date and time, in case of flight, train, bus, tours or similar it is arrival date and time; in case of events, it means end of event date and time; etc.

Force Majeure Events” means events over which parties of these Terms & Conditions has no control, such as fire, earthquake, flood, substantial snowstorm, abnormal weather conditions, epidemic, explosions, strikes, riot, civil disturbance, lockout or industrial dispute or governmental or regulatory authority action, war, act of God, power cuts and communication network failures, and etc.

"Reservation System" refers to the online platform owned and operated by Unit.travel, serving as an interface that allows Customers to reserve and book Products and Services from various Suppliers. This system is a technical tool and it functions as a digital marketplace, facilitating interactions between Customers and Suppliers, but does not itself provide or operate any Products or Services.

“Prohibited Practice” means directly or indirectly condoning, encouraging, participating in, engaging in or otherwise failing to prevent or effectively mitigate any illegal actions, including but not limited to any corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, collusive, obstructive practises, theft, money-laundering, the financing of terrorism and proliferation.

“Сustomer Account” means an account created on the Website in the name of the Customer in accordance with this T&C.

Fake Booking” means a reservation or booking made with deceptive or fraudulent intentions. It typically involves creating a reservation with false information, such as fictitious guest details or a non-existent stay, with the purpose of manipulating or taking advantage of a system, service, or platform.

Content” means information about the Services that is provided in the Website, and Reservation System, including but not limited to static and dynamic content, multilingual descriptions, photos, videos, availability, rate descriptions, rates, reviews, policies, possibly socalled geo data and functions (so-called Point of Interests/POI and the so-called “Matchmaker” function, in particular).




3.1. In order to purchase Products or Services, the Customer shall make the Booking Request in the Reservation System. Once the Booking Request has been submitted, the Reservation System will automatically confirm it and send a confirmation email message to the email address provided by the Customer.

Unit.travel transmits Customer’s booking requests, including Customer’s personal data to Supplier and to Unit.travel’s principals, agents, and/or third-party intermediaries solely for this T&C, providing Unit.travel Service and in accordance with Section 13 and Unit.Travel Privacy Policy.

Only when Unit.travel confirms Booking Request, it becomes a definitive Booking not requiring Unit.travel reconfirmation. The corresponding Booking Request is not considered to be confirmed or canceled, until the Unit.travel confirmation email message is received. To ensure prompt receipt of notifications from Unit.travel, including but not limited to those that may be filtered into the spam folder, both the Partner and the Customer must regularly check their emails in a timely manner.

3.2. It is the Customer’s responsibility to read the Special Booking Terms accompanying any Booking, Booking request, amendment, confirmation, cancellation or information otherwise brought to the Customer’s attention by Unit.travel or on the Website. The Customer will be liable for any charges or fees specified in Special Booking Terms of the corresponding Bookings the Customer make or attempt to make via Reservation System or otherwise.

3.3. Please note that each Booking must have all Customer names mentioned in full and correct. The name entered first will automatically be assigned as lead name. Please state all names as written in the passport to ensure a smooth check-in. In case not all names are specified in full, the Supplier or other service provider may cancel your booking without prior notification. It is the Customer’s responsibility to check all details and provide information carefully before confirming a Booking as incorrect details may result in cancellation of the Booking.

3.4. Please note that all Accommodation service Suppliers on the Unit.travel Reservation System require one of the Customers to be at least 18 years old. This is fully the Customer’s responsibility and Unit.travel will not take any responsibility for violation of these policies.

3.5. Customer’s Nationality and Residency: Customer shall always inform Supplier of Customer’s nationality and residency. If Customer fails to do so or if the provided data is incomplete or incorrect, the Booking may be rejected by the respective Supplier or Customer may be requested to pay additional charges and fees. Customer shall be liable towards, and compensate, indemnify, and hold Unit.travel harmless for and against any direct damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, costs, claims, claims of any kind, interest, penalties, legal proceedings, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and expenses) in connection or arising out of Customer’s breach of its undertakings under this Clause.

3.6. SPECIAL REQUESTS. If the Customers have any special requests (for example, dietary requirements, costs or room location) the Customer must specify it during the Reservation Process, or such requests can be sent by email to Unit.travel customer support (see section Contact Details on the Website) immediately after the Booking Request is made. Unit.travel will pass on all such requests to the relevant Supplier. Unfortunately, Unit.travel cannot guarantee that such special requests will be met. If the Supplier is unable to meet any such requests, neither Unit.travel nor Supplier can have any liability to the Customer in this respect.

3.7. Fake booking. 

a) Unit.Travel reserves the right to cancel any booking without prior notification, suspend the Customer’s Personal Account and immediately terminate this T&C with the Customer in the event of Fake booking.
b) Unit.Travel has the right to employ various measures and technologies to detect and prevent fraudulent bookings. This may include automated systems, manual reviews, and cooperation with third-party fraud detection services. If a booking is found to be fraudulent or suspicious, Unit.Travel reserves the right to cancel the booking and take appropriate actions.
c) Unit.Travel reserves the exclusive right to determine whether a booking is deemed fraudulent or fake. This determination may be based on various factors, including but not limited to, internal investigations, evidence gathered, system analysis, and consultation with relevant parties. The Customer agrees that the decision made by Unit.Travel regarding the classification of a booking as fake or fraudulent is final and binding.
d) Unit.Travel reserves the right to pursue legal action against any Customer and third-party who engages in fraudulent activities or abuses the Website. Legal action may include but is not limited to seeking financial damages, restitution, and injunctive relief to protect the interests of Unit.Travel and its other partners, Suppliers, Customers and others.

3.8. If the Customer make Booking on behalf of others, the Customer agrees and should:

a) obtain their authorisation prior to acting on their behalf
b) inform them about the terms that apply to the booking (including the Special Booking Terms) and ensure that they agree to such terms you are responsible for paying any amounts due, for making any change/cancellation requests and for all other matters relating to the booking.




4.1. In most cases Booking Amendments can be made through the Unit.travel Reservation System. If it is not possible to make an amendment of the corresponding Booking on Unit.travel Reservation System, the Customer must contact Unit.travel by sending an email with an amendment request to the Unit.travel customer support (see section Contact Details on the Website) before the Cancellation deadline of the specific Booking. Unit.travel shall not process any of the requests made by phone. If the Customer notifies Unit.travel of cancellation without complying with the above-mentioned and other Website conditions, the order shall be considered as not to have been canceled and the original status of Bookings will be deemed accurate and applicable for all purposes, including charges and payments obligations.

4.2. Any amendments may be subject to new prices and new Special Booking Terms. In certain cases, name or any other changes are not permitted and the Booking may need to be canceled and rebooked and new prices may apply.

4.3. Booking Amendments can only be dealt with when requested by the Customer to Unit.travel and are not processed. If the Customer makes amendments to the Booking directly with one of Unit.travel Suppliers, the Customer may still be charged under the terms of confirmed Booking.

4.4. If amendments have been made directly with the Product or Service Supplier, the Customer should immediately send to Unit.travel the confirmation of the amendment in writing. Unit.travel will try to do his best in order to change the Booking, but the confirmation of required amendments is not guaranteed because it depends on the policy of the Supplier.

4.5. If amendment is done by Customer directly with the Product or Service of Supplier, without informing Unit.travel, means that Customer refuses from any complaints and/or claims for financial or any other compensation to Unit.travel.




5.1. Bookings can be canceled directly on the Reservation System prior to the Service-start date. If not, cancellations must be sent in writing by email to Unit.travel Customer Support (see section Contact Details on the Website), detailing the Booking number, service name and passenger name. Unit.travel will send an acknowledgement of receipt and inform of all the charges, if any, which may be applicable.

5.2. When making a Booking Request, the Reservation System always provides the Cancellation Policy and Special Booking Terms which apply for the requested Product or Service. The Free Cancellation Deadline specified in Cancellation Policy will be also provided together with Booking Confirmation, except when it is provided by Unit.travel later (after receiving notice from the Supplier). Cancellations made before the Free Cancellation Deadline will not be charged. Cancellations made on and after the Free Cancellation Deadline will be subject to the Cancellation Penalty specified in Cancellation Policy.

5.3. Some of the Products or Services may not have a Free Cancellation Deadline and the Cancellation Penalty applies once the Booking is made. The Customer confirms to be aware that in case such Booking is confirmed and canceled afterwards, charges will apply. This kind of Bookings as well as cancellation policies are often referred to as non-refundable or non-refundable.

5.4. Any requests for cancellation on or after the Booking Service-start date must be sent to Unit.travel Customer Support (see section Contact Details on the Website), which will inform you regarding any penalties that may be applied. Unit.travel will charge the Cancellation Penalty as per Supplier‘s policy, which can vary up to 100% of the amount of the Booking.

5.5. In case the Supplier or the provider of the Product or Service confirms directly to the Customer the cancellation free of charge after the Free cancellation deadline, the Customer must present a written confirmation of free cancellation from the Supplier or the provider of the Product or Service. This written confirmation does not guarantee a refund of the Cancellation Penalty, but Unit.travel will do best to reduce or waive the Cancellation Penalty completely. Irregardless, Unit.travel has the right to charge the Customer as per the Booking Cancellation policy.

5.6. When the Customer cancels the Booking, "cancellation pending" status in the Reservation System may be displayed for a while, which means that the information about the cancellation has not yet been received by the Supplier. In cases when Customer cancels the Booking one working day before Free Cancellation Deadline and the Booking status "cancellation pending" appears, it is Customer’s responsibility to call the Unit.travel emergency line and inform about urgent cancellation in order to avoid Cancellation Penalty.

5.7. It is the Customer’s responsibility to cancel Bookings made at Unit.travel Reservation System in case it is no longer required.

5.8. If the Customer fails to appear for the commencement of the Product or Service usage on the first day (No show) without prior notification, this shall be treated as a cancellation.

5.9. Occasionally Suppliers or service providers report Unit.travel about the errors in their cancellation policies. In such cases Unit.travel reserves the right to modify the terms of the Cancellation Policy applied for the Partner even after the confirmation of a Booking. The Customer will be informed about such modifications by email.

5.10. Refund.

a) In the event of cancellation of the Booking prior to the Free Cancellation Deadline, the Payershall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid for the Booking by the same payment method that was chosen by the Payer before. The Unit.travel is entitled to withhold [.] EUR as a refund payment fee.
b) If the Supplier fails to confirm the Booking or fails to provide their Product or Service to the Customer, regardless of the Booking's non-refundable nature, the Payer shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid for the Booking by the same payment method that was chosen by the Payer before. The Unit.travel is entitled to withhold [.] EUR as a refund payment fee.
c) The Customer has the right to ask the Unit.travel to not make the refund by adding the refund amount to its wallet in the Personal Account, to make another reservation via Website or Reservation System in future. In this case no refund payment fee as stated in clauses a) and be are not applicable.

5.11. Unit.travel reserves at its absolute and sole discretion the right to cancel Customer’s Bookings, close any accounts (incl.associated), and take legal action, including to seek to hold Customer liable for any loss, if the Booking is not paid in full, Bookings appear to have been made for the purpose of fraud, abuse, association with a government-sanctioned person or entity, “holding space” for future sale, we see any suspicious activity or if Booking was otherwise made not in a Good Faith or contrary to these Terms & Conditions. Unit.travel has no obligation to provide any justification or reasons for such cancellation. This decision is binding and cannot be disputed.




6.1. Generally, Products or Services are non-refundable after Service-start, even if it is used only partially.

6.2. If the Customer fails to show up at the Supplier the due date and/or time and does not notify Unit.travel and Supplier of the same, the rest of the Booking may be cancelled without further notice as specified in clause 5.7. unless specified otherwise, the Customer may not receive a refund for all or part of the booking in the event of "no show".




7.1. Unless otherwise stated, all prices shown in the Reservation System are GROSS and deemed to be definitive at the moment of confirmation. All Rates are per room, per night, per seat, per vehicle and include government taxes. Unless stated otherwise on the Reservation System, resort fees, city taxes or local taxes or levies are not included and will be payable by the Customer locally, directly to the Supplier. The amount of local taxes can change between the booking date and stay date. If taxes have changed by your stay date, you may be liable to pay taxes at the higher rate.

7.2. Prices of Products or Services do not include any additional fees imposed by the Supplier for cribs, rollaway beds, baggage fees, gratuities, meals and beverages, mini-bar, snacks, shows, tours, tips, telephone calls, liquor, laundry, car seats, GPS devices, and other surcharges or other services and purchases of a personal and/or supplementary nature which are not otherwise specified in the quoted prices or which are excluded from the price. The Supplier will assess these additional fees, charges, and surcharges directly to the Customer. All personal charges must be paid at the time of service or as designated by the Supplier. Unit.travel is not obligated but will make reasonable efforts to provide clear and accurate information regarding the associated costs and ensure that Customers are fully informed before availing themselves of these services.

7.3. Prices shown in the Reservation System exclude any transaction fees or bank charges, which may occur depending on the payment method chosen by the Customer (credit card, online banking or other online payments).

7.4. Unit.travel reserves the right to vary Prices after confirmation has been given only in the case of variations in VAT or other applicable taxes, or other conditions beyond Unit.travel’s control, such as exchange rate variations in excess of 3%, changes in the periods of trade fair events by Supplier or similar situations.

7.5. Unit.travel has a right to change Prices unilaterally or cancel Bookings after wrong publications on the Reservation System which contain obvious erroneous mistakes in prices and/or descriptions.

7.6. Unit.travel reserves the right to cancel any Booking made under unverified or otherwise fictitious customer name or in case of a price loading technical error that results in an unrealistic Price. If during the term of this T&C and prior to the payment of the Price by Partner or Customer the change in pricing formation occurs (including but not limited to change of currency conversion rates, the Price change of the Product or Services made by Supplier), Unit.travel is entitled to unilaterally change the Price and Partner or Customer shall pay the difference, if any.

7.7. In case the Booking is for Accommodation Services prices quoted are per room. For Transfer Services prices are quoted per vehicle (if transfer is private) or per person (if transfer is shared). For Transportation services prices are quoted per seat and class of seat. For car rental services prices are quoted per vehicle. For excursion services prices are quoted per person.

7.8. The Customer understands and agrees that after displaying the Products and Services a search results, offers for the same or similar Product or Services may vary and appear differently on the Website or Reservation System depending on the time of search. Merely receiving a search result, without immediate confirmation through booking and payment, does not entitle the Customer to claim any obligation on the intermediary's part to finalize contracts for Products or Services offered by Supplier via Website or Reservation System.




8.1. Vouchers can be emailed from or downloaded at Unit.travel Reservation System. Voucher issued by Unit.travel is proof of a Booking and represents the right of the Customer to use the Products or Services strictly as specified in the Voucher in terms of Supplier, period of services and type of Products or Services.

8.2. All and any extras/alterations to the Products or Services specified in the Voucher are at Customer‘s sole discretion.

8.3. The Customer is obliged to present a Voucher before the usage of the Product or Service. In case the Customer is not able to present the Voucher, this may cause the Product or Service Supplier to charge the Customer on spot again or to refuse to provide the Product or Service.

8.4. If the Customer cancels a Booking, the Voucher becomes invalid from the moment of cancellation and the Customer is not entitled to use it. However, if the Customer uses the Voucher of canceled Booking and Products or Services provider accepts it, such canceled Booking becomes payable by the Customer and the Customer will be invoiced accordingly.




9.1. All Bookings will be settled by the Customer by means of prepayment in full no later than the final payment date (payment due date) specified on Website, unless a specific alternative Agreement has been made between the Customer and Unit.travel. The final payment date will be specified both online and/or on the notice which will be sent to the email address provided by the Customer once the Booking has been made.

9.2. The Customer shall pay the amount due for the Booking by bank transfer, or by any other payment method approved by Unit.travel. By providing Unit.travel Payment service, Unit.travel acts as commercial agent for the Suppliers of the Products and Services. Every Supplier has authorised Unit.travel as their commercial agent for the mediation of conclusion of contracts between the Supplier and the Customer, including the power to accept payments from the Customer and to forward the payments to the Supplier. Your obligation to the Supplier will be fulfilled when the payment order is given to transfer funds to Unit.travel’s bank account. You, as a Customer are responsible for ensuring that the payment takes place and ensuring that sufficient funds are available.

9.3. If the payment has not been received in a time, Unit.travel is entitled to cancel the Booking without prior notice. Any cancellation cost of the Booking will be invoiced to the Customer and Customer is obligated to cover it directly to the Unit.travel.

9.4. If the Booking is made within Free Cancellation Deadline or if the Booking is a subject to Cancellation Penalty as of the moment of its confirmation, the Booking must be paid immediately. If, in this case, the due amount has not been received within 24 (twenty-four) hours after making the Booking, Unit.travel has the right to cancel it without prior notice. Any cancellation costs will be invoiced to the Customer and Customer is obligated to cover it directly to the Unit.travel.

9.5. All payments must be made in the currency that appears on the information provided in the Reservation System or Website. The Unit.travel issues only payment receipt and booking confirmation.
Booking numbers provided by the Reservation System must be included upon payment submission, in order Unit.travel could clearly identify the Bookings to which the payment corresponds.

9.6. If for any reason the payment might not be received by Unit.travel by the payment due date, the Customer must send by email a copy of the payment confirmation to Unit.travel Customer Support in case the copy of the payment is sent outside Unit.travel working hours (see section Contact Details).

9.7. Unit.travel will never settle with the Supplier before receiving the payment from the Customer and cannot be held responsible for any consequences taken or not taken by the Supplier because of pending payments.

9.8. The Customer is responsible for payment of all bank charges when making payments into the Unit.travel’s bank accounts and bank charges incurred to receive the Customer’s payments. Unit.travel will not accept any charges from intermediary banks.

9.9. Before payment is received in full, Unit.travel or the Supplier is not obliged to issue any tickets, confirmations, Vouchers, or other travel documents.
After receiving the payment Unit.travel will send the Voucher or other travel documents by email to the Customer.
The final invoice will be issued to the Customer from the Supplier by Customer’s written request to the Supplier or in accordance with Supplier’s terms.




In case the Customer would be refused at check-in or whenever the Customer is asked to pay directly to the Supplier for the services listed on the Voucher, the Customer shall immediately contact Unit.travel’s emergency number which is provided in the Voucher. The emergency number is also publicly available on the Website. Unit.travel Customer Support will assist and try to solve the matter.

Unit.travel emails (including Customer Support email) and working hours are clearly specified in Contact Details here https://b2b.unit.travel.

In case the Customer is charged by the Supplier for the services which are already included in the Voucher, all receipts and/or other proof of payment must be collected and submitted to Unit.travel for a claim and request of refund or adjustment.

In case the Customer fails to contact Unit.travel emergency number, no refund can be claimed, as Unit.travel was not given the chance to solve the matter and it may be that late cancellation or no-show charges apply.




Any Complaints about improper Products or Services should be brought to the attention of the Product or Service Supplier on the spot. In case the problem has not been satisfactorily solved during the time the Product or Service is being used, the Customer must send the complaint with all relevant correspondence to Unit.travel in writing. Unit.travel will not, in any event, handle any complaint that was not brought to the attention of the Supplier or Unit.travel during the time the Product or Service being used and Unit.travel will not deal with any complaints received later than 15 (fifteen) days after Service-end date.

Unit.travel only accepts complaints that are sent in writing by email to Unit.travel Support (see section Contact Details) and which are accompanied by a written proof that the problem was reported on the spot to the Supplier’s management.

In case of complaints, the Partner is not authorized to discount any payable amount to Unit.travel, unless written consent from Unit.travel has been obtained.




12.1. The Unit.travel is responsible for Website, Software and Reservation System. Unit.travel takes reasonable care in providing Website, Software and Reservation System, but Unit.travel can’t guarantee that everything on it is accurate (we get information from the Suppliers). To the extent permitted by law, we can’t be held responsible for any errors, any interruptions, or any missing bits of information - although we will do everything we can to correct/fix them as soon as we can.

12.2. The Customer is fully responsible for all Bookings made in the Unit.travel Reservation System using Access Codes.

12.3. The Customer will be liable for any loss or third party claim, including cancellation charges Unit.travel may incur as a result of any incomplete or inaccurate details in the Booking that the Customer has added to Reservation System or the Booking information that the Customer has sent to Unit.travel.

12.4. Unit.travel has no responsibility for losses or accidental expenses due to delay or changes in transport schedules, defaults or overbooking by airlines, sickness, Force Majeure Events or any other causes that are beyond Unit.travel’s and the Supplier’s control. All such losses or expenses are the Customer’s responsibility. Unit.travel strongly recommends buying appropriate private insurance prior to a trip.

12.5. Customer shall be liable towards, and compensate, indemnify, and hold Unit.travel harmless for and against any direct damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, costs, claims, claims of any kind, interest, penalties, legal proceedings, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, and expenses) in connection or arising out of Customer's breach of its undertakings under the Section 1.


12.7. Appropriate and valid personal identification documents, travel documents, including visas, as well as the compliance with customs regulations, are the Customer’s and its party’s responsibility. Unit.travel shall not be liable for costs incurred by Customers not carrying proper travel or personal identification documentation.
In case the Customer or any member of its party behave in an inappropriate manner or cause damage, distress, offence or injuries to others or if the Customer’s actions risk damage to persons or property of others including the Supplier or third parties, the Customer will bear the full consequences and costs of eventual actions taken against the Customer by Unit.travel, the Supplier or legal authorities.

12.8. Should Unit.travel be held liable for any costs, damages, fines, fees etc. as a consequence of the Customer’s or a member of its party’s inappropriate actions by the supplier or third parties (including legal authorities), the Customer shall fully indemnify and hold Unit.travel harmless from any of such claims (including legal fees incurred by Unit.travel in order to defend itself).




13.1. For the purpose of creating a Customer account in the Website and/or Reservation System, Unit.travel, as the data controller, will process the Customer's personal data, including their name, surname, email, phone number, the company represented, rights granted, and the date and time of account creation. The legal basis for processing this personal data is the performance of the T&C and providing the Unit.travel Services. Personal data processed for this purpose will be stored by Unit.travel as the data controller until the account is deleted.

13.2. For the purpose of conducting searches in the Reservation System, Unit.travel, as the data controller, processes the personal data of the Customer, including their name, surname, company represented, date, time of the search, search criteria (country, city, dates of stay, nationality, type of room, additional services, etc.), and search results. The legal basis for processing this personal data is the performance of the T&C and providing the Unit.travel Services. Personal data processed for this purpose will be stored by Unit.travel as the data controller for 60 days after the end of the semester in which the search was conducted. At the end of the term, the data will be anonymized.

13.3. For the purpose of making bookings in the Reservation System, Unit.travel, as the data controller, processes the personal data of Customers, including their name, surname, company represented, date and time of the order, search criteria (country, city, dates of stay, nationality, type of room, additional services, etc.), and search results. The legal basis for processing this personal data is the performance of the T&C and providing the Unit.travel Services. Personal data processed for this purpose will be stored by Unit.travel as the data controller for 60 days after the end of the semester in which the search was conducted. At the end of the term, the data will be anonymized.

13.4. For the purpose of making bookings in the Reservation System, Unit.travel, as the data controller, processes the personal data of end Customers, including their name, surname, date and time of the order, type of booked service (accommodation/transfer services), the provider of the booked service, and other details of the booking. The legal basis for processing this personal data is the performance of the T&C and providing the Unit.travel Services. Personal data processed for this purpose will be stored by Unit.travel as the data controller for 60 days after the end of the semester in which the search was conducted. At the end of the term, the data will be anonymized.

13.5. Personal data of the Customer may be transferred to Unit.travel's partners, including partners established outside the European Economic Area (EEA), when such transfer is necessary for the performance of a contract. Unit.travel might transfer the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the performance of the T&C to reduce the risk associated with data transfers.

13.6. Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object to processing, and the right to lodge a complaint. Information on exercising these rights is provided in the Privacy Policy.

13.7. The data processing process and regulations are governed by the Section 13 of this T&C and Privacy Policy of Unit.travel, which is published on the Website.




14.1. Any software (incl. but not limited Booking Reservation System, Browser extensions, online tools and etc.) made available to use on or from our Website ("Software"), is the copyrighted work of Unit.travel.

14.2. As long as you comply with these T&C, we agree to grant you a royalty free, revocable, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable and non-sub-licensable right to access and use the Website in accordance with these T&C, the Privacy Policy and the applicable terms. In the event that your right to use Website is canceled, the corresponding non-exclusive license will also be canceled.

14.3. All Software (such as all HTML, source code, etc.) contained on our Unit.travel Service or Website, is owned by our Unit.travel. All Software is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Any reproduction or redistribution of the Software is prohibited by law and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Anyone who violates this will be prosecuted.

14.4. Without limiting the above, copying or reproduction of the Software to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is expressly prohibited. The Software is warranted, if at all, only according to the terms of this Agreement.




15.1. Customer has the right to use Unit.travel Services in accordance with the T&C for the purposes for which the Unit.travel Service is intended. Customer does not have and will not obtain any intellectual property rights to the Unit.travel Service or to the Website.

15.2. The Website, Unit.travel Services and its content, such as texts, images, information on the products, trademarks and signs shall remain the property of the Unit.travel or its co-operation suppliers, partners and protected by copyright law and international copyright agreements as well as other legislation on intellectual property rights and registrations.

15.3. All intellectual property rights to the Website, Unit.travel Services and content (such as copyright, registered and unregistered trademark and design rights, domain names, patents, database rights and trade secrets) as well as the goodwill generated by their use shall remain the property of the Unit.travel or its cooperation suppliers or partners. The Unit.travel does not grant the Partner any direct or indirect rights to any intellectual property rights.

15.4. Unit.travel Services, Website and all of their parts (including pictures, images, texts, trademarks, domain names) are protected with intellectual property rights, which belong to Unit.travel, its employees or cooperation suppliers or partners.

15.5. The works published on the Website and protected with copyright may be used by the Partner publicly without the consent of Unit.travel only by referring to Unit.travel as the source of the works.

15.6. Website might contain references or links to third party websites. The Unit.travel does not control the linked sites in any way, nor does the Unit.travel monitor or check the contents of the linked sites. The Unit.travel is not liable for the contents, correctness, reliability or data security of the linked sites.




16.1. The T&C shall enter into force upon its electronic confirmation (consent by a click) or its signing through the Website by the Customer or Customer's Legal Representative or upon the signing of the T&C by the Customer or Customer's Legal Representative outside the Website, and regardless of whether the Customer or Customer's Legal Representative has approved or signed this T&C, the T&C and its terms are deemed to be concluded at the latest when the Customer starts using the Website through the Customer Account and shall remain in effect until it ends or is terminated by either Party in accordance with its terms.

16.2. The Parties agree hereby that the electronic confirmation (consent by a click) is an electronic signature and has equivalent legal effect of a handwritten signature.

16.3. The Parties shall resolve by way of negotiations any disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with this T&C, including without limitation any non-contractual obligations arising from it (each, a Dispute).

16.4. If no agreement is reached in the Dispute, this T&C, including without limitation any non-contractual obligations arising therefrom or related thereto, shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Estonia and disputes settled in Harju Country Court.

16.5. If any individual provision of this T&C is held to be or becomes ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

16.6. The Unit.travel has the right to unilaterally make amendments to the T&C. The Unit.travel will notify the Customer of the amendments to this T&C by posting the amended terms on the Website at least 30 days before the effective date of the amendments and by providing notice to the Customer’s email address as provided on the Customer Account. If the Customer does not agree to these amended terms, the Customer may close the Customer Account within the 30-day period and the Customer will not be bound by the amended terms and the T&C is considered to be terminated.

16.7. The Unit.travel may terminate the T&C unilaterally at any time by sending a respective notice to the Customer’s email address as provided on the Customer Account, in case:

a) the Customer violates the Terms and Conditions;
b) the Customer is engaged with Fake Bookings;
c) The Customer violates Section 8 and/or 13;
d) the Unit.travel believes that the Customer is involved in a Prohibited Practice or acting in not in a Good Faith;
e) the Unit.travel believes that the Customer has used or is using without the Unit.travel’s written consent any automated means which are not provided by the Unit.travel (including but not limited to harvesting bots, robots, spiders, scrapers or other automatic devices or programs) to access the Website and collect any data from the Website;
f) the Unit.travel believes that the Customer is using framing techniques to enclose any of the data or content to the Website or otherwise affect the Website; or required by the law or authorities.

16.8. If the Customer doesn’t use the Customer Account on Unit.travel for a continuous period of 2 years, Unit.travel reserves the right to close and delete the account. In such cases, the Customer’s Account information will be also deleted without possibility to recover it. It is the Customer's responsibility to regularly access and maintain their Customer Account to ensure the continuity of their account status and associated benefits.




Please use the following email addresses for the correspondence with Unit.travel:

support@unit.travel - general info, reservations and customer support

accounting@unit.travel - invoices, payments and other accounting questions

You can also find a full contact list and Unit.travel office working hours on the Unit.travel Website: https://b2b.unit.travel/page/contacts.en.html

If there is a discrepancy between the contact information in these Terms & Conditions and the information on the Unit.travel Website, please refer to the contact information on the Website.




ALLADYN TRAVEL TECHNOLOGIES OÜ, Company code: 16387001, VAT: EE102485662

Company Address: Narva mnt 7a - 616, B corp, 6 floor, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 15172

Phone: +372 609 34 54

E-mail: support@alladyn.tech

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